The greatest strength of BETIC is the network of resources created through collaboration with engineering and medical institutes, as well as various government agencies and industry. The stakeholders exhorted BETIC to further strengthen, streamline, sustain and scale up the activities for greater impact, having traversed the full path of medical product innovation lifecycle along with first-hand experience of various bottlenecks. Various initiatives for the programmes of BETIC are described here.
The structured fellowship focuses on need definition and supports in innovation team formation, need validation through clinical immersion, training on the 4D innovation process, and problem definition. The programmes support traversing from TRL 1 to TRL 3.

Abdul Kalam Technology Innovation National Fellowship
The programmes focus on creating the initial proof-of-concept and prototype to evaluate the technology addressing the unmet clinical need. It supports activities such as concept evolution, concept selection, proof-of-concept & feedback. The programmes support traversing from TRL 3 to TRL 4.

Rajiv Gandhi Science & Technology Commission
Department Of Science & Technology
The programmes focus on the effective translation of research prototypes of medical devices developed by researchers, into marketable products in collaboration with industry partners. It supports activities such as product configuration, CAD, simulation & validation, plastic, metal and electronics prototyping and design verification in conjunction with the regulatory requirements. The lack of a medical-grade pilot manufacturing facility to produce a small batch of 5-10 units, for lab testing and clinical studies is severely hampering medical device innovators. It requires precision computer-controlled industrial equipment along with skilled operators. Pre-compliance testing for establishing device safety in accordance with prevailing quality standards, prior to human clinical trials is another challenge. The programmes support traversing from TRL 4 to TRL 7.

ICMR-DHR Centre of Excellence in Medical Device
BIRAC Early Translation Accelerator - BETIC ETA
(Click for guidelines)
Even after developing and validating a novel medical device that is suitable, reliable and affordable to the target population, especially the under-privileged, its deployment in field through various channels is a major challenge. The programmes support traversing from TRL 7 to TRL 9.
NSE Foundation - Innovative Medical Devices for Affordable Healthcare